About Us

Helping average citizens restore their government to its purpose: to serve them--- Not a Global Corporatocracy.

About Us - What are we? What are we NOT?

We are a handful of average Citizens very unhappy about corruption in government, the new Police & Spy State, and its control by 3 small groups of Power Elites toward a Global Plantation Police State that is killing our way of Life in the USA.

There is no "membership" drive in United Citzens. It is NOT intended to be a big association or group. It is a small non-profit to Educate. Donor's don't "join" anything. Donation's will help us Educate the public on Identifying the Culprits, the Causes of Problems, and suggest Solutions in the Public Interest. Donations help cover our time and costs to "get the word our". We are NOT ASKING for Donations until April 2014, but can accept help you volunteer.

We are NOT the Billionaires who backed a similar name group (Citizens United) in Citizens United vs FEC. We are a tiny group of average citizens who've studied how our government has been hi-jacked, corrupted and turned against us, like a bad dog biting its' owner.

It's the Corrupters we hate - We LOVE THE U.S. Government which should be ONLY by the Constitution. We are FOR Equality, Opportunity, and an efficient National Government EXACTLY as the Founders Intended it. - Small, focused on defense of borders, protecting our Rights & Health, aiding trade between states, aiding prosperity of ALL, not a handful of Super-Rich & Powerful. The Federal government today is built up beyond its intent by FRAUDS building their own power. To them it is ALL about MONEY & POWER. (Surprise!)

We're NOT entirely against some goals of the Elites to harmonize some laws and promote peace. It is the Police State and attack on Nationalism under a FRAUDULENT PREMISE (that nationalistic citizens start wars) and their goals to be Rulers of the World modeled on China in a Ruling Oligarchy of Elites that we oppose.

The result of their over-40 years of control has been DEATH of the American Middle Classs and our Rights while they are Enriched. These are results of Ulterior motives and plans to self-enrich with Conflicts of Interest (CFR member private companies and Members run most of NSA, for example), not just a windfall.
Remember ".. a Tryant .. first ... appears as a Protector." Plato. That is what Climate-Carbon Credits is really about-- Depopulation, to reduce Carbon (as one example) while THEY get richer trading carbon credits. They helped create the Terrorism problem to sell protection and Total Spying(more people in USA die from suffocation in their sleep than terrorists). Get it?

They count on you NOT "getting it", and not getting organized and funding your own Legal and Political Defense.

It's NOT the government that is the problem. Our government is great, but corrupted by Power Elites (& bureaucrats & politicians giving favors) using Mega-MultiNational-Corporations to Hijack our government to put down "Nationalism" in favor of a Global Corporatocracy, a Modern Sophisticated Ruling Shadow Government modeled on China's Croney Corporatism/Slave Labor. It is a sophisticated modern Colonialism still exploiting labor and resources.

We are Pro-Business, but SOME Multi-National Corporations are like a pack of bad dogs who need to be sent back to obedience school. (We'd welcome some billionaires' help, too, ONLY IF they're loyal to the intent of our Constitution.)

WE WORK ONLY FOR AVERAGE CITIZENS' INTERESTS. You may Help, but we can't ASK until April 2014 (registrations) You may Donate, but we can't ASK you to
until Complete Registrations.

United Citizens is independent, against the corrupt Parties duopoly. We are average citizens running a charity to Educate Average Citizens - To EXPOSE corruption and power-grabbing; Showing the problem, and how to return Power to the people.

Because of this site, like USA's founders speaking out against Powerful Forces, our lives are in danger, but our ideas and information will go on if you help.

We run United Citizens Educational Charity (organizing to have tax free status by April 2014) to help restore power to independent-minded Middle-American citizens who are learning that the Parties, Media, Politicians and people in government do not represent us.

We've learned they use resources of the government mostly against us in a long-term plan for their own purposes, their own power, with payback for favors from those who actually run our government, the Ruling Elite bent on being Rulers of the World in a Global Corporatocracy that has been over 40 years in the making and is nearly complete.

See quotes: (turn your sound down -- sorry) David Rockefeller thanking big Media for their 40 years of not discussing the Elite's stated plan and progress to erode national sovereignty (which appears to constitute a treasonous cabal engaging in seditious subversion of our nation in favor of their faction, friends in high finance, and foreign friends, to "put down" USA's founding principles (That's out of the dictionary)).

This was not a conspiracy as claimed by some patriots (always ridiculed by Big media), because the CFR announced in 1974 what they would do "to erode national sovereignty", and then did it, to beat down labor and aid big multinational firms pit countries against each other for lowest safety, environmental, and other regulations and reduction of damage liability limits. They've done the same thing in almost every state of the USA. (See ALEC ).

We must explain who we are not, and who we are partly against (they are not monolithic and not entirely wrong)-- for you to understand what United Citizens really is.

Our thesis and purpose is NOT original, but merely showing that what the Framers of the Constitution and our nation warned would happen HAS all happened exactly as they predicted. Those were some WISE dudes.

Our Mission

Inform and aid education of citizens in the dangers of erosion of rights and the corruption and taking over of all power over our government by crafty and highly intelligent groups who are partly right, that we can not seem to plan and govern ourselves, and that peace may require SOME interdependence of nations.

We ONLY promote solutions to large problems facing most Americans, and warn citizens to avoid infighting that we are constantly baited to our tribal tendencies while being told they are evil and dangerous in causing Nationalism. We educate that a World Corporatocracy is the END of freedom, on a Global Plantation where YOU are already being enslaved and beaten down.



Our Philosophy

Stop Fighting over religious, taxes-spending and gay issues long enough to see somebody is burning our house down. See the big picture!! You are being Baited and Misled by Lap Dog Media while the Ruling Elite steal your future and your country.


We are Against:
- Corrupt Politicians, Parties and Big Media DIVIDING us and MANIPULATING us,
- Global Government ruled by the wealthy's Corporatocracy without balance of power.

  • Patriotic, believing in the Principles of the United States and Framer's Intent
  • An "Americans First" organization (we saved the world for 70+ years-cut us a break)
  • For America being a shining example on the hill for other countries
    • to aspire to,
    • to have strong constitutions, rights and protections for their people,
    • with responsive efficient government.
  • For a strong national defense around our BORDERS, with a super missile defense umbrella.
  • For strong borders. We do NOT want to be part of Mexico, the stated plan of powerful David Rockefeller to be a North American Union.
We are Against erosion of our rights and liberty by a Ruling Elite bent on being Rulers of the World through a Global Corporatocracy with published plans to erode freedoms by eroding national sovereignty by an end run around the Constitution. (Quote).



We are for Workers, Independents, Small Business owners, Middle Class, those disaffected-disillusioned by Politicians and Parties picture Click detailed chart.
We are FOR ANYONE who believes in America.

We come like Ben Franklin who printed truth and united people for a Great Cause (a Statesman).
We are NOT Anti-Business ! - Not a PAC
We are Anti-Violence.
We are NOT tax protesters.
But think the tax system stinks.

We ...
love our government and Constitution,

admire our Military & Servicemen/women,

oppose corruption of our government,

appreciate small and medium business,

appreciate Pro-American Big businesses,

support workers and producers,


We have proof Big Media is corrupted-controlled.

We're Ex-Republican, Ex-Democrat Independents.

We want efficient government responsive to the people as intended by the Framers.


United Citizens (is for people)
is NOT
Citizens United (is more pro-Big Corporations).

Citizens United was aided by the Kock Brothers and 25 other billionaires, and seems to have anti-regulation, anti-corporate accountability and anti-poor/protester positions.

IT APPEARS to some that:
Citizens United promotes a "trickle down" approach where Big Business is the answer and people who can't find jobs are the problem.

Citizens United is known for winning a Court case claiming Corporations are Persons with right to influence elections (ie: has free speech).

(We are unsure whether that means ALL Corporations as distinguished from Non-Profit public-interest corporations.)

News at United Citizens

23 July 2013 | 5 comments
Website Goes Up
First rough draft goes up, ready for content and testing improvements.


26 July 2013 | 2 comments
Website taking shape
Website gets formatting, key evidence of Hi-Jacking of government to top of the homepage. The About Us page is expanded to tell who we are not, who we wish to expose.



“ I'm a charter contributor because this is long overdue. It took me 20 years to figure out how our government was taken over to use against us, and another 5 to learn that we have to all pull together and put our other differences aside into other forums for a little while. Politicians and talking heads are baiting us, and calling the good guys the bad guys. I've learned that most of the people controlling your government, who stole your government-- are FRAUDS."
- Ben D. , Chief Operating Officer of a small Corporation


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